The siege of Long San

The Siege of Long San November 1950, the world holds its breath. Will the besieged fortress of Long San fall to General Giap's men or will it hold out, so close to the Chinese border? Once the turn routine has been assimilated, Tonkin is a very easy game to play. The game aids are well done and allow you to let the rulebook aside. The reinforcement phase requires both sides to make a choice: they can request reinforcements, supply depots or a mixture of both. The VietMinh opts for the latter. It had few depots and had to make up some of the losses suffered the previous month. On the French side, the retention of the city of Long San made it possible to keep the numerous depots there. It will therefore be a full wagonload of reinforcements to repair the motorised and riverine units that suffered most last turn. On the French side, it is clear that holding the Chinese border is going to be difficult in the long run. It is only possible to reinforce damaged units near a supply...