The Dark Summer - analysis from a friend

The Dark Summer : new on the Normandy theater by Romain Ducoulombier Thanks to Romain for offering this argumented and in-depth analysis of the last Ted Raicer game on the Normandy campaign. Ted Raicer's game dedicated to the Normandy campaign was expected to say the least. Famous author of GMT, in particular with his recent series of "Dark" (Dark Valley on the war in the Soviet Union 1941-1945 then Dark Sands on the war in North Africa), his ludic contribution to the simulation of the Normandy theater had to be original. In our opinion, the job is done. Raicer's choice is first to simulate the whole Normandy campaign, from the landing itself to the breakthrough at the end of August and the Falaise pocket. This is an original choice that distinguishes it from strategic games on the campaign, such as the excellent Liberty Roads by Frenchmen Yves Le Quellec and Nicolas Rident (Hexasim) or Normandy '44 by Mark Simonitch, a commercial success of GMT that allows to pl...