Imperial Struggle - tournament play

 Imperial Struggle

Or the art of wearing a powdered wig. I am going to relate here a game in which i'm opposed to a player from Georgia, USA. This game is one of the many played during an email tournament. We are now in the second round.

The choice of sides

  In spite of a few "hardliners" who persist in asserting that the game is balanced, one can only note the high number of French victories ( 60 to 80 % according to the experience of the players ). As a result, a system of bets for the French camp is organized. Each player gives the number of treaty points he gives to his opponent to play the lilies. Strangely, nobody offers any points to play the perfidious Albion (as much for the "harliners" previously cited). It seems to be agreed that one treaty point is too few and three is too generous. Two points seem to be the right price.

Having suffered with England during the previous round, I pay this price and settle down to the destiny of France.

The ministers

The choice of ministers is varied. The Huguenots are considered to be really rotten, so there are still four possible choices. The Cardinal Ministers allow, barring chronic bad luck, to enjoy 6 points of free diplomacy over two rounds. They are broken, as the young people say.
John Law allows to reduce  debt and he is more efficient with one foot in Scotland. As a result, it is often used in combination with the Jacobites, who will see a necessary investment in the country of whisky and partridge.
Finally, King Louis XIV has two keywords, which makes it versatile for event cards. It also gives a bonus of victory points in Europe, which can be counterproductive (we'll see why later).

So I choose the Cardinals and the King. Let's make it historical. To hell the Protestants and the bankers. For the Jacobites, we'll see, it is possible to get the card for free at the War of the Austrian Succession by investing into it.

The rules (optionnal or not )

Unfortunately, we are playing with the Spanish rule, which imposes a loss at the diplomatic level for every conquest over Spain. This may be historical, but on a playful level it is distressing. We are witnessing a contest of under-investment in the War of the Spanish Succession, each one sending as few forces as possible in order to win nothing (and therefore lose nothing afterwards). This artificially freezes part of the board, which is a pity.

Another point that irritates me is the management of commercial resources. They are drawn at random at each round and can lead to large gaps between the two players. Anyone who has built up an advantage in a ressource will be able to make it profitable in the event of a lucky draw. I would prefer that, like the rewards of domination, commercial ressources are alternated every other turn.

The game

The investment tile draw is fairly balanced. I start with diplomacy and make sure of Savoy and Sardinia. My opponent is concentrated in Scotland and Ireland. A serious English player has to make sure that the Jacobites don't win too much.
I follow with the revelation of the cardinals and take Denmark, Prussia and, with a card, Russia. Here I am at the head of a beautiful collection of countries.

The Englishman retaliates in India by courting the Marathes. I counter him in my turn and recover this minor which gives a very interesting tile advantage.
In front of the few attractive investment tiles, my opponent will recover the Hurons and then secure the sugar trade in the Caribbean. For my part, I secure North America and scatter the world with conflicts with the advantage tiles gleaned at the beginning of the round.

At the countdown to victory, the English lead the way in trade. He wins sugar and tobacco, while cotton is tied. He also gains European prestige thanks to his  fleets sailing on the European coasts. At the end of this countdown, the cursor is at 10 Vps, quite low.

Fortunately, France's weapons will prevail in many theatres. We win in Europe and claim the Hudson Bay. We also win in Spain and choose to reclaim San Augustin, but this costs us an area of Spanish prestige. America and the Jacobites balance each other in terms of points.

It is useful to stay at 15 Vps or below for the choice of the initiative. Some rounds see a disparity in investment tiles and it is in my opinion during these rounds that the game can switch. It is useful to keep a good position on the board while not performing too well on the scoreboard.  


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