On the road to world domination
From the War of the Spanish Succession to the War of the Austrian Succession
In the second round, the demand for sugar, spices and fish explodes. I choose to leave the fish to England for two reasons: the Pvs won by the English will allow me to stay low in the score, always with the objective of playing first. The second is the point of debt that this resource inflicts on its controller. The debt always looks manageable but it slowly accumulates and can become a weapon in the hands of the other side. In the 18th century, rulers used to waste public money. Fortunately, nowadays, our experienced politicians are much better managers of state finances...
For my part, I invest in spices that reduce the level of debt. This scissor effect when it comes to spending will soon prove its importance.
The English decides to concentrate on the West Indies while I am courting Spain and Austria. The bonus tiles acquired thanks to Savoy and Sardinia allowed Bourbon to keep the Habsburgs alliance. The cardinals had been amply efficients.
In India, Hindu princes work for the Sun King. Generating numerous conflicts, they stifle all English development.
At the end of round 2, France remains at 15 Vps and can therefore choose to play first or last.
The War of the Austrian Succession
Choiseul and the Pompadour/Du Barry duo were appointed as ministers. The former is obvious, so powerful is he. It allows the French fleet to catch up and has two key words. The only choice that can arise afterwards is between Voltaire and the two royal mistresses. Voltaire gives points at the end of a turn, whereas the powdered bimbos do so during the turn. There is therefore a Cornelian choice between knowledge and Victoria's secret ... I choose lust! It is good to be king.
Once again, sugar is required in addition to tobacco and fish. This is worrying because sweets give a lot of Pvs and a bonus in Trp. For the reasons explained above, I leave tobacco and fish to the Englishman (it's three points of debt that he will have accumulated in two rounds). I get rid of sugar by playing a card that changes the demand for a resource. And I get the spices, for which I dominate the market (another point of debt less...).
The wars saw France prevail everywhere. In Europe, powerful diplomacy gives us victory. In the Americas, English fisheries were closed and the French fleet was imposed on the coasts. In the Indies, the Madras trading post becomes French. Last but not least, the Jacobite revolution wins in the United Kingdom. As a result, I acquire the corresponding minister for free with a victory token. Enough to put the English on the ropes.
We are still at 15 Vps and I let the English play first.
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